Its called Death Valley. 20 Mule Team Borax. Always wanted to go there ever since seeing it on TV. She gave me that look.
Washed the truck, threw on the Outfitter TC, loaded some camping stuff,left Coldstream, BC at 5:30AM and headed for Las Vegas Friday, Feb.3, 1600+ miles away . 5F was the lowest temp before crossing the border near Grand Forks, BC and it got up to 8F somewhere near Upper Elkgroin, Montana, or some name like that. Glad I had no water on board. Stayed overnight just before Salt Lake City so I got into LV early enough to drive the strip, buy some supplies and meet my wife at the airport at 5PM.
Pick up 2 shopping carts of food and refreshments and headed out on #95. I think we counted at least 4 accidents on the main freeway as we headed out of town. That place is crazy.
Spent the night at Indian Springs, a wonderful, gravel truck stop being lulled to sleep by the melodic sounds of truck reefers. After 26 hours of driving,a crushing plant couldn't keep us awake.
Guess what? The morning is sunny.
Drove to Beattie and headed to Furnace Springs CG which is just a parking lot as they are renovating the regular one.
Mrs. Crosscheck says, "This is so beautiful. When is happy hour?" It's only 11:00 am.
It wasn't long before we were on our way, checking out the surroundings.
Old cemetary just above CG.Its so dry here that if you dug up some of these wrinkled corpses and sat them on some lounge chairs in the CG, they would fit right in. HaHaHa.
Furnace Creek from hilltop Gezebo.
Walked the back way to the Borax works and came across a dump that had no plastics, just tin,glass,ceramics. Remember those days? If you do, you must be old.
20 mule team borax wagons just like the TV show. It seems only yesterday. Ya right, 55 years ago, ya fossil.
We take a break before our first hike which is at Hole in the Wall.Can't get enough of that sun.
You just start walking. No trees, no bush to thrash through,no rivers to cross. You know how many shades of brown there is out there? Eventually, you end up in Las Vegas.
We drive to Stove Pipe CG as it is central in Death Valley and drop the Outfitter. Now I can try out the new Michelin XDS-2 boots on the rocks.
Head up to Mosaic Canyon which is a popular tourist hangout. What we didn't know is that by hiking 1/2 hour from trailhead, you've got the place to yourself.
Most of the time I let Mrs. Crosscheck go ahead. If she falls off a ledge going up then it is not safe to go. Remember kids, safety first.
We are trying to get around some dryfalls.
We leave the canyon below us. This is where people belay down the dryfalls.
Crosscheck is raven about these wild canyons.
Things start getting a little tight. Didn't they predict some rain in the mountains that day. We might have to body surf out.
Have you seen Iggy lately? No,Walley. Last time I seen him he was following a coupla those dumb tourist up the canyon hopeing for some hand outs.
Hike into Fall Canyon, trailhead at Titus Canyon south. Crosscheck arrives at a dead end.
We scramble around the dryfall and head up into a narrows.
Smooth rock sculpted by gravels during floods, maybe water and debris can be 10ft high.
The blue/grey tinted walls go on forever.
Heading to Marble Canyon on sand road.Bet when they get big winds, the sand acts like snow and covers the roadway.
Crosscheck removing chokestone before we can proceed up the canyon.
Found some ancient inter-galactic writing which roughly translated says,"Things are dead around here, can't get good food, hope we have enough fuel to get back home,wish you were here, Love, Thag.
We are passing through Zebra Canyon.
Don't know why they call it Marble Canyon except after all these turns, a guy kinda looses his marbles.
You know you've sunk real low when you find yourself at Badwater Basin( -282ft below sea level)
Mrs Crosscheck talking to a Korean tourist telling her that when she was young and it was much colder in those days, she would come here and skate on the lake. Global warming has sure wrecked that option unless you are into table salt, a lot of table salt
Left Stovepipe and drove to Darwin Falls. After a short hike we came to the Falls which in the land of little water, this pour over is king.
There is an upper falls so we had to scramble up to see it.
Upper Darwin Falls
Mrs Crosscheck retreating on the softest part of her body.
Almost down.
Must be OK cuz she never fell.
A little picnic on the road up to the charcoal kilns. Soak up the sun now sweety because you don't know it yet but it's going to get cooler, much cooler.
Charcoal kilns from 1870's used to burn pine for charcoal for the miners. Must of had some big BBQ's.
Oh Oh, as my daddy used to say, this could end in tears. 1800 miles south and we hit snow. Mrs. Crosscheck is not happy and said I can go and sleep in the kilns tonight and she locked the door.
I made a nice fire and watched the stars. At 7600ft, it dropped down in the 20's that night and when we woke it ws 42f in the TC. We have been using the toaster every morning, the micro off and on and My DW uses her hairdryer after the daily shower plus the Feb sun is low in the sky and it is currently snowing so I have to make a confession. I had to run George the Generator for an hour before going to bed. Telescope peak seems to attract the clouds if there are any around meaning my panels were not replaceing the juice that we were using.This will be the only time that we had to use our genny.
8:30AM and we are ready to hike up the mountain from Thorndike camp.
Crosscheck at Mahogany Flats CG, 8100ft, the end of the road.
Why would anyone want to peak at a telescope?
Crosscheck getting to know Mr. Brislecone Pine.
Mt. Whitney is over there somewhere.(14,494')
Badwater Basin(-282')
Mrs. Crosscheck signing the guest register on Telescope Peak (11,049')