A nice warm sunny weekend in September has us hiking up to Mt. Joss fire lookout. We have been in the area for a number of years but until Shane and Leah suggested that we hike up to this old 1920'ish lookout, it hasn't been on our radar. Shane and Leah stayed overnight at the trailhead in their new to them Bigfoot truck camper. I remember when 32 years ago we got our first Frontier truck camper and travelled across canada. The FSR road leading up to the trailhead is not far from Three Valley Gap.
Leah happy after spending the first night in their 9.5 Bigfoot truck camper. |
We drove from Vernon in the truck, picked them up and started driving up the mountain on a rough logging road. |
Looks like trouble. A few trees across the road. Decided to park the truck here as the trailhead was only a 10 minute walk up ahead. We could have pulled the trees out of the way with a chain but there was no reason. |
Pat and Ruudie starting up the trail on a crisp morning in the mountains.
Our first taste of snow. Somewhere up above on those rocks ahead is the lookout. |
Not too much snow as the lookout comes into view.
The snow is starting to build up as we climb up the ridge to the top of the mountain. We have come up in running shoes.
Sun shines through the clouds as we make our way up to the lookout. The trail we are on is fairly recent starting much higher at the top of a logging block. The original horse trail started on the other side of the valley in the 1920's and was a much longer trail.
All stonework base. What a beauty. Most of the newer ones are all made of wood. Although almost all of the fire lookouts have been decommissioned, you can still hike up to where most are still standing and take in the great views they all had of the surrounding areas.
Ruudie seems to be enjoying the coolness of the snow. 1921 says the new/old sign. They had done some renos on the look out to preserve the history of this area. |
Leah and Shane checking out the guest book and a writeup of the history of the look out.
Looking down at a valley coming in from near Three Valley Gap. Shane said that he and his his Revy buddies came in by snowmobile and skinned up this valley and to the lookout in the winter. There was good snow for skiing for sure.
Headed back down.
One of the good ski out areas in the winter. Still a little lean for September.
Heading back down the ridge as the clouds close in. Nice afternoon hike that had some sweat, snow, history, and 2 generations of hikers. |